This full moon occurring in the nakshatram of Uttara Ashada
(in Sagittarius) is known Guru Purnima. It is said to be the day, about 15,000
years ago, when Adi(first) Yogi, Shiva became the Adi Guru to seven sages.
Uttara Ashada is also considered the birth nakshatram of Ganesha. We have the
lunar eclipse on this day with Saturn and Ketu joined the moon in Sagittarius directly
opposite Sun, Rahu and Venus in Gemini.

Uttara Ashada (literally means the later victorious one) is
ruled by the Sun. Sun is the part of us that sheds light and purifies the areas
we are unwilling to see. Notice the tendency to feel frustrated with the
disparities we observe in the world, in the inconsistencies of our
relationships and the lack of our spiritual growth.
Ganesha, the elephant head deity is also related to Ketu.
Ketu is the headless celestial body and Ganesha had his head cut off, to be
replaced later with an elephant’s head. Ketu eclipsing the moon may bring up unaddressed
past patterns, actions, karmas and relationships either in real life or in our dreams.
There is also a high scrutiny of the unaddressed past which can be mind
bogging. Invoking Ganesha, will bring in the potential to be an observer and a
listener instead of reactor. Invoking Shiva, the Adi Guru, brings in light to
see reality sans our filters and judgement.
While many predict gloom and doom, I am of the view that we
are living in times that has high potential to raise our intellectual
frequencies, our consciousness and our discernment. It is a great time to
embark on the journey of truth as it pertains to self in relation to the world.
It is a great time to reevaluate our beliefs and principles and really commit to
pure teachings.
It is our responsibility to keep our vessel clean to receive the highest order of teachings from the Universe.
#gurupurnima #fullmoon #lunareclipse #adiyogi #shiva #ganesha
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